Ahhhh,another long day at work!Here,where I am a potter,in Jamestown,Virginia,all of my pots require clay.Once I clean the clay, I add sand temper to the now cleaned clay,once it is finished drying,I would have to work out all the tiny air bubbles,trust me, it’s hard work,and it took a long time!Next,I would put the clay on the potter’s wheel,then I would begin the long,hard processes of pumping the foot pedal to make the wheel spin.Next up,to make the inside of whatever I’m making hallow.Soon the pottery would begin to take shape.While all that’s happening,I would make molds,such as, handles,spouts,or buttons.Each piece of pottery had to dry before being put in the fire to bake,but they had to dry slowly,or they would crack.Finally,they where glazed with rad ware. Being a potter is hard work!
Excellent work! I love all of the details you included about the hard work of a potter.