Abe Lincon

Abraham Lincon was the 16th president with his tall hat and trustworthy personality. He is on the back of a penny and was one if the most intresting presidents!

Amendment 8

A change for everyone

Makes unusual punishments unrequired

End of the Revolutionary war

No cruel or unusual punishments

Did have permission by the president

Madison toke notes of most of amendment 8

Extordanary  amendment

No excessive bail shall be required

The 8th amendment was given permission from the president


Equal rights

It says Excessive bail shall not be required,nor excessive fines exposed nor cruel or unusual punishments inflicted

Got lots of attention by the president so it became a Bill of Rights

Has an important meaning

Ten amendments in all


I used Stars Wars platform and it was easy because all I had to do was get R2-D2 to the comanders. Plus I could use the arrow keys.

American Flag

I think that Betsy Ross made the first American flag for General  Washington in June,1776.She also had lots of proof from great-grandson,William Canby. Plus her story makes total sense. That’s why I believe that Betsy Ross made the first American flag.

Molly Pitcher

She risked her life being a brave patriot

She saved her husband who got hurt

She helped the wounded soldiers

so very cheerful

Molly Pitcher

a brave person

was a very happy person

Real name was Mary Lugwig Hays McCauley 

Always seemed to make the best out of everything


Colonial Life as a Potter

Ahhhh,another long day at work!Here,where I am a potter,in Jamestown,Virginia,all of my pots require clay.Once I clean the clay, I add sand temper to the now cleaned clay,once it is finished drying,I would have to work out all the tiny air bubbles,trust me, it’s hard work,and it took a long time!Next,I would put the clay on the potter’s wheel,then I would begin the long,hard processes of pumping the foot pedal to make the wheel spin.Next up,to make the inside of whatever I’m making hallow.Soon the pottery would begin to take shape.While all that’s happening,I would make molds,such as, handles,spouts,or buttons.Each piece of pottery had to dry before being put in the fire to bake,but they had to dry slowly,or they would crack.Finally,they where glazed with rad ware. Being a potter is hard work!

ABC Poem All About Me!

Amazing at art.

Belive in the Lord.


Different than others.

Full of energy.

Gifted in many ways.

Here forever and always in the hearts of others.

Always Innocent !

Jellybean lover!!!

Kidding around a lot.

Love my family and many others.

Always have and will love Magic.


Open when a football flies through the air.

Peeking at all surprises!

Asking Questions,left and right.

Reasonable,even when I try not to!

Sparkely,always dressing up!

Talented in more ways than I can count!

Unique,[happy ways!]

Valuble and important!

Whole,every part of me here,today!

Xtra important in lots of peoples life.

Yearning to grow up,but learning about life,while I can!

Zany,so enjoy who and what I am!